Daycare & Nursery Teachers Training

Starting date of the certificate course: May and September 2023.

We are happy to introduce ourselves. IBES is providing daycare teachers trainings since 2013. The founder herself is Dutch, Marion Hasselaar and from profession she is a social pedagogue. Marion and her team developed this training in a way that teachers will be able to teach in a Tanzanian & European style. Other Daycare’s highly appreciate teachers from IBES and therefore our students found jobs even before they finished. IBES started several Daycare’s herself to create good examples how a Daycare should look like. Therefore, students have a great opportunity to do their field assignment in the most professional Daycare’s.

For whom is this course intended?

Are you above 18? Did you finish until form 4 successful? Do you speak English? Do you enjoy working with children? Do you have confidence to stand in front of a group of children? Do you like to do fun things with children? If you say YES to these questions…. You are most welcome to this course and we coach you to become a professional.

we ensure you find a position in the future!

The study books and subjects you will learn during the first year of certificate:

English interactive conversation lessons (we will give you the knowledge and self- esteem to teach children in English) + Computer lessons (word, excel, powerpoint, publisher, email and how to use the internet for lesson plans) + African First Aid Course (recognized by the Tanzanian Red Cross Society) + Child development from 0 to 21 years + Discipline and behavior for children between 0 and 21 years

After this Certificate course you will receive:

Your dreams, our dreams.

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Field Assignments

Working experience is crucial in this profession because children behave different according their age and learning environment. Field assignments are given in our own Daycare & Nursery Schools and others, by IBES selected Daycare centers and organizations. During the field assignment, we monitor the students about their performance in their work. They will have to implement the theoretical knowledge in their lesson plans and activities. You will have different field assignments, which Ibes will organize for you.

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Years Experience